Madeleine Kearns, Kate Klunk, Jeremy Dys, Caleb Lyman

Madeleine Kearns
Kate Klunk
Jeremy Dys
Caleb Lyman

November 22, 2019

Today's show features:

  • Madeleine Kearns, William F. Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism at the National Review Institute, on the growing trend of children being subjected to experimental, life-altering, and irreversible gender reassignment "treatments."
  • Pennsylvania State Rep. Kate Klunk, on her state's governor vetoing a bill that outlaws aborting unborn babies with Down Syndrome.
  • Jeremy Dys, Special Counsel for Litigation and Communications for First Liberty Institute, on Colorado parents who are upset a high school teacher assigned sexually explicit material without their consent.
  • Caleb Lyman, Director of Research at Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, on the Becket Fund's new Religious Freedom Index.

Episode Resources: