Ken Paxton, Julaine Appling, Chris Powell, Michael Alexander

Ken Paxton
Julaine Appling
Chris Powell
Michael Alexander

May 9, 2022

On today’s program:

  • Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General, pushes back on the Left’s coordinated intimidation campaign against pro-life churches and the conservative justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. 
  • Julaine Appling, President of Wisconsin Family Action, shares an update on how WFA is dealing with a Leftist’s violent pro-abortion attack on their office on Mother’s Day. 
  • Chris Powell, pastor of New Haven Baptist Church, in Haven, Kansas, addresses the city council’s decision to remove ‘In God We Trust’ decals from police vehicles. 
  • Michael Alexander, co-chair of the law and activism committee of the World Council for Health, offers his analysis of efforts to increase the powers of the World Health Organization.

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