Josh Hawley, Rich Noyes, Luke Goodrich, Travis Weber
October 16, 2019
Today’s show features:
- Josh Hawley, U.S. Senator from Missouri, to discuss the oppressive regimes in Hong Kong and Turkey.
- Rich Noyes, Research Director for media Research Center, on the highlights from last night’s Democratic presidential debate.
- Luke Goodrich, Vice President and Senior Counsel at Becket Law, to discuss a federal judge vacating an Obamacare mandate that doctors were required to perform gender transition surgeries.
- Travis Weber, FRC's Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, to discuss the Democratic presidential candidates’ stances on abortion and the difference between the party platforms.
Episode Resources:
- Read FRC’s latest blog, “Federal Court Ruling in Texas is a Big Win for Religious Liberty.”
- Read more about what’s at stake in Hong Kong.
- Sign FRC's petition to support Christians and religious freedom in Northeast Syria
- Watch the sessions from Values Voter Summit 2019 in Washington, D.C.
- Explore FRC’s Pro-life Map to see if your state protects babies born alive after a failed abortion.
- Show your support for the life of all babies born alive by sending a baby hat to Congress!
- Download the STAND FIRM app to never miss another episode of Washington Watch.