Chris Mitchell, Victoria Coates, Peter Sprigg, David Closson
October 22, 2019
Today’s show features:
- Chris Mitchell, Middle East Bureau Chief for CBN, on the threat Turkey’s invasion poses to Syrian Christians and ongoing political gridlock in Israel.
- Victoria Coates, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Middle Eastern and North African Affairs, on the negotiations behind the ceasefire deal with Turkey and the potential for US troops to remain on the ground to guard oil fields.
- Peter Sprigg, FRC’s Senior Fellow for Policy Studies, on a Texas jury ruling against a father who is seeking to protect his seven-year-old son from a gender transition and chemical castration.
- David Closson, FRC’s Director of Christian Ethics and Biblical Worldview, on a Missouri church facing backlash for a sermon on biological sex and gender.
Episode Resources:
- Sign FRC's petition to support Christians and religious freedom in Northeast Syria.
- Watch the sessions from Values Voter Summit 2019 in Washington, D.C.
- Explore FRC’s Pro-life Map to see if your state protects babies born alive after a failed abortion.
- Show your support for the life of all babies born alive by sending a baby hat to Congress!
- Download the STAND FIRM app to never miss another episode of Washington Watch.