Roger Marshall, Travis Weber, Katherine Johnson, Katrina Trinko, Harold Harper

Roger Marshall
Travis Weber
Katherine Johnson
Katrina Trinko
Harold Harper

November 7, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Roger Marshall, U.S. Representative for the 1st District of Kansas, to discuss federal district judge in Manhattan blocking a Trump administration rule protecting the conscience rights of healthcare providers who decline to perform abortions or gender transition surgeries.
  • Travis Weber, FRC’s Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, and Katherine Johnson, FRC’s Research Fellow for Legal and Policy Studies, to continue the discussion on the conscience rights of healthcare professionals.
  • Katrina Trinko, Director and Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Signal, on YouTube censoring as “hate speech” a medical doctor’s description of gender transition surgery.
  • Harold Harper, FRC’s Senior Vice President, to share during National Adoption Month about his family’s experience adopting a young boy from China. He and Tony address the significance of the Trump administration’s new rule to protect the conscience rights of faith-based adoption providers.

Episode Resources: