Jeff Landry, Anurima Bhargava, Seth McLaughlin, Travis Weber, Brent Keilen
March 4, 2020
Today’s show features:
- Jeff Landry, Louisiana Attorney General, on the U.S. Supreme Court hearing oral arguments this morning in the case of June Medical Services v. Russo, to determine whether Louisiana may require abortionists to hold admitting privileges at a nearby hospital and whether abortionists can represent the interests of women when contesting health and safety requirements designed to protect those same people.
- Anurima Bhargava, Commissioner with the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, on today’s USCIRF hearing on the use of religion to deny citizenship as well USCIRF’s recent trip to Sudan.
- Seth McLaughlin, Reporter for the Washington Times, with analysis of the Super Tuesday election results.
- Travis Weber, FRC’s Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, on this morning’s Supreme Court oral arguments, and Brent Keilen, Vice President of FRC Action on the results of the Super Tuesday primaries.
Episode Resources:
- Read Tony Perkins’ op-ed with Congressman Mike Johnson, “Supreme Court should put a stop to the abortion industry getting a free pass.”
- Read Katherine Beck Johnson’s op-ed, “Let the states protect women.”
- Read about “The Horrifying Stories behind Louisiana's Clinic Law.”
- Explore FRC's Biblical Worldview Series featuring publications on religious liberty and political engagement.
- Show your support for the life of all babies born alive by sending a baby hat to Congress.
- Read more about religious freedom in India.
- Compare the platforms of the two parties.
- Check out the Trump administration’s accomplishments on life, family, and religious freedom.
- Download the STAND FIRM app to never miss another episode of Washington Watch.