Chris Smith, Jack Hibbs, Ken Blackwell, Susan Humphries, Travis Weber
April 9, 2020
Today’s show features:
- Chris Smith, U.S. Representative for the 4th District of New Jersey, on whether the pandemic is pushing the US and China closer to a cold war.
- Jack Hibbs, Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, on the growth of their church as they think and act outside the box.
- Ken Blackwell, FRC’s Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance, on statistics that black Americans are dying from COVID-19 at a higher rate.
- Susan Humphries, Kansas State Representative, on Kansas lawmakers revoking Governor Laura Kelly’s order limiting church gatherings.
- Travis Weber, FRC’s Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, on Washington State and Delaware Governors prohibiting drive-in worship services, and an Indiana County “not recommending” drive in worship services.
Episode Resources:
- Read more about how times of crisis can open the door for churches to minister.
- Join us in praying for a spirit of generosity during the coronavirus crisis.
- Check out FRC’s COVID-19 resource bank for churches.
- Learn more about the drive-in Easter sunrise service in Central, Louisiana.
- Get the truth: the vast majority of churches are not defying government orders.
- Watch Tony Perkins’s Fox News interview on faith in the age of the coronavirus.
- Explore FRC's Biblical Worldview Series featuring publications on life, religious liberty, and political engagement.
- Get the all-new rebuilt STAND FIRM app! On your mobile browser, visit