Mike Johnson, John Barsa, Ron Hill, Travis Weber
May 27, 2020
Today’s show features:
- Mike Johnson, U.S. Representative for the 4th district of Louisiana and Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, on the Democrats’ outrageous defense of Planned Parenthood’s illegal Paycheck Protection Program loan grab.
- John Barsa, Acting USAID Administrator, on USAID’s pushback against the U.N. agenda for global abortion, and other USAID efforts to safeguard religious freedom.
- Ron Hill, Pastor of Love and Unity Christian Fellowship Church in Compton, California, on how he plans to let the Holy Spirit—not the government—guide his decisions in reopening his church.
- Travis Weber, FRC’s Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, on the latest religious freedom developments from around the world, including Congress’s effort to hold China accountable for its persecution of the Uyghur people.
Episode Resources:
- Check out “The Real Planned Parenthood: Leading the Culture of Death - 2020 Edition.”
- Tony in the Washington Times: “if barbershops, big-box stores and marijuana dispensaries can be allowed to open their doors, so must our houses of worship.”
- Take a look at FRC’s COVID-19 resource bank for churches, including “Guidelines for Reopening Your Church.”
- Learn more about religious freedom in China: the history, current challenges, and the proper response to a human rights crisis.
- Let President Trump know you support the finalization of HHS’s rule in Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, protecting religious freedom and conscience.
- Explore FRC's Biblical Worldview Series featuring publications on life, religious liberty, and political engagement.
- Review and share the Trump administration accomplishments on life, family, and religious freedom.
- Get the all-new rebuilt STAND FIRM app! On your mobile browser, visit frc.org/app.