Andy Harris, Lela Gilbert, Quentin Van Meter, Chris Ferrara, Travis Weber
June 26, 2020
Today’s show features:
- Andy Harris, U.S. Representative for the 1st district of Maryland, on the U.S. House of Representatives voting to approve DC Statehood.
- Lela Gilbert, FRC's Senior Fellow for International Religious Freedom, on Christian persecution in Nigeria and Turkey’s aggressive ambitions.
- Quentin Van Meter, President of the American College of Pediatricians, on the California bill to fund gender transition surgeries.
- Chris Ferrara, Thomas More Society Special Counsel, on a federal judge’s ruling that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s policy condoning mass protests but banning religious worship services is unconstitutional.
- Travis Weber, FRC’s Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, on the ruling that New York City unconstitutionally discriminated against places of worship, and also on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services resolving the case against Tennessee for health care triaging that discriminated against the elderly and disabled.
Episode Resources:
- Register for ARISE & STAND!, a special update from Tony Perkins and other leaders on Monday, June 29.
- Read Tony’s Washington Times op-ed on keeping an eternal perspective in the wake of Bostock.
- Explore FRC's Biblical Worldview Series featuring publications on life, religious liberty, and political engagement.
- Review and share the Trump administration accomplishments on life, family, and religious freedom.
- Get the all-new rebuilt STAND FIRM app! On your mobile browser, visit