August Pfluger, Travis Weber, Sean Feucht, David Closson
May 14, 2021
On today's show, guest hosted by Joseph Backholm:
- August Pfluger, U.S. Representative for Texas's 11th district and Member of the House Foreign Affairs and Homeland Security Committees, talks about the Biden administration's response to the gas crisis.
- Travis Weber, FRC's Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, offers insights on the U.S. State Department's annual international religious freedom report released this week.
- Sean Feucht, missionary, artist, activist, and founder of Let Us Worship, talks about the #LetUsWorship movement that has spread across the nation in response to the discriminatory lockdowns on churches.
- David Closson, FRC's Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, discusses how Christians can think biblically about the cancel culture.
Episode resources:
- Take action in Congress and in your state.
- Check out FRC Action's resource: Tracking the Biden Administration.
- Find a Let Us Worship event near you.
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