Jody Hice, Virginia Kruta, Chris Powell, Debbie Wuthnow, Jake Warner, Lucas Miles
May 17, 2022
On today’s program:
- Jody Hice, U.S. Representative for the 10th District of Georgia, shares the latest news on the Ukraine aid package that the Senate recently passed, the issue of proxy voting in Congress and reports indicating the CDC used location data to track Americans’ COVID-19 compliance.
- Virginia Kruta, Daily Wire reporter, shares the latest news on the recent Buffalo, NY supermarket shooting.
- Chris Powell, pastor of New Haven Baptist Church in Haven, Kansas, talks about Haven city council’s decision to reverse their vote on the ‘In God We Trust’ police decals.
- Debbie Wuthnow, iVoterGuide president, highlights iVoterGuide’s efforts and its impact on the upcoming midterm elections.
- Jake Warner, Alliance Defending Freedom senior counsel, highlights a recent 9th Circuit Court of Appeals challenge to Washington state’s ban on certain types of counseling.
- Pastor Lucas Miles, Summit Ministries faculty, discusses their new national survey on transgenderism.
Episode Resources:
- Join us in prayer for the Supreme Court.
- Learn more about the crisis of Christian persecution in Nigeria.
- Explore FRC’s interactive maps to see where your state stands on life.
- Check out FRC’s resources on life and human dignity.
- Read: Biblical Principles for Pro-Life Engagement
- Read: Preparing for a Post-Roe America: The History and Context of Pro-Life Laws in the States.
- Take action on Biden’s radical SPLC-linked judicial nominee Nancy Abudu.
- Five ways you can pray for Ukraine.
- Take action in Congress and in your state.
- Join Stand on the Word, FRC's two-year journey through the Bible!
- Connect with Tony on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Gettr, and Gab.