Stephen Moore, Jody Hice, Travis Weber, Carl Trueman
November 29, 2022
On today’s program:
- Stephen Moore, FreedomWorks Senior Economic Contributor, weighs in on President Biden’s recent speech in Michigan, the Biden administration’s Venezuela oil deal, and a looming rail strike that could wreak havoc on the economy.
- Jody Hice, U.S. Representative for Georgia’s 10th District, reacts to the U.S. Senate vote on the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act.”
- Travis Weber, FRC's Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, offers an update on the religious freedom amendments to the “Respect for Marriage Act.”
- Carl Trueman, professor at Grove City College, shares how the (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act could impact the future of orthodox Protestantism.
Episode Resources:
- Partner with FRC to protect biblical values and protect our God-given constitutional rights.
- Watch Pray Vote Stand tonight at 8:30 PM ET for a special reaction to the U.S. Senate vote to redefine marriage.
- Tell Congress to protect natural marriage and religious liberty! Call the Capitol switchboard: 202-224-3121
- Learn how the (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act further exacerbates already-existing attacks on religious liberty.
- Check out The Washington Stand, FRC’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview.
- Join Stand on the Word, FRC's two-year journey through the Bible!
- Connect with Tony on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Gettr, and Gab.