Josh Hammer, Keith Self, Travis Weber, David Closson

Josh Hammer
Keith Self
Travis Weber
David Closson

May 31, 2024

On today’s program, hosted by Jody Hice:

  • Josh Hammer, Senior Counsel at the Article III Project, provides analysis of the verdict in New York City trial of former President Donald Trump.
  • Keith Self, U.S. Representative for the 3rd District of Texas, shares the Republican response to the Left’s lawfare against former President Trump and discusses the Biden administration’s floating pier fiasco in Gaza.  
  • Travis Weber, FRC's Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, checks in with an update on World Health Organization’s proposed pandemic treaty before the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland concludes this week. 
  • David Closson, FRC’s Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, examines the plummeting rates of Americans with a biblical worldview and reflects on the life and ministry of Davy and Natalie Lloyd, who died serving the Lord in Haiti.

Episode Resources:

  • Tell state Republican Party chairs to protect life in the 2024 GOP platform!
  • Watch Tony’s full remarks at the Muskegon County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner.
  • Find out more about the Antisemitism Awareness Act.
  • Download and share a prayer guide for Israel.
  • Tell Washington not to let the Biden administration cede authority to the World Health Organization.
  • UPDATED Explainer: WHO Pandemic Agreement Threatens National Sovereignty, Free Speech, and Life.
  • Order your copy of Sacred Trust: Election Integrity and the Will of the People.
  • Connect with Tony on Facebook and X.